

  • App Development

Refluenced is a social media platform for influencers, where they can participate in different kinds of campaigns and create content related to them.

Created With

  • Technology
  • Technology
  • Technology
  • Technology
  • Technology

Refluenced is a social media platform for influencers, where they can participate in different kinds of campaigns and create content related to them.

About the customer

Refluenced is a team that grew out of the SunIce Festival, whose micro-influencer campaign reaches millions of people every year.

    About Software

    At Refluenced, our team takes on the task of developing mobile applications, covering both frontend and backend aspects. Recognizing the need to efficiently support both Android and iOS platforms, we decided on using Flutter. This choice was made because Flutter allows us to develop for both platforms simultaneously, which is both time and cost-effective.

    On the frontend side, we've worked on enhancing the pre-existing setup by integrating Tailwind CSS, Vite, and React. This upgrade was part of our move to Amplify, which has significantly streamlined our development process.

    For the backend, we rely on Django. Django serves as the backbone of the application, handling the API and ensuring seamless integration with social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. This integration is crucial for our application's functionality, allowing us to connect with a wider audience through popular social networks.

    Applied technologies

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